Friday, 22 May 2015

Students e-vote @Danforth CTI

Student Council e-Lections!
Thursday, May 21st was a big day at Danforth as students went to the electronic polls to vote for their Student Council Executive 2015-16. Polls opened at 9 a.m. for 24 hours and students were able to access via TDSB's Academic Workspace from anywhere, anytime using their smart phones, tablets, laptops/computers. During lunch and after school polling (computer rooms) were made available for students to vote. 
Results will be announced at the end of the day, Friday May 22nd.
mobile phone smartphone tablet

Trebuchet Competition

Teaching & Learning Lifelong Skills 
Danforth's engineering design course offer students the opportunity to explore STEM based projects. Students focus on theoretical ideas applying physics and mathematics to design and build intriguing projects such as the Trebuchet.
Students and staff are looking forward the big day when students compete for the best design and most accurate trebuchet.
'It teaches many important lifelong skills such as strong teamwork skills, critical-thinking, communication and encourages students to be active learners." quote from 
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